Did you know? BSAP Provides Ongoing Mentoring

The Merriam-Webster definition of mentor is “a trusted counselor or guide.” Mentorship is part of the mission of our foundation. One-on-one mentorship relationships between board members and scholarship recipients underscores our dedication to the success of our scholarship recipients. The following is an interesting article that contrasts a coach to a mentor. While coaching is important and needed to assist […]

26 Tips for Success in College

Recently, a post by Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld called, “How to Study Like a Harvard Student” has been making the rounds on the blogging site Tumblr. Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld is both a Harvard and Yale Law graduate and the daughter of infamous “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” author, Amy Chua. Studying for exams can sometimes be daunting, but if you pay attention, […]

5 Healthy Recipes for College Students

Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle, but tuition is expensive, and schoolwork is time-consuming. As a student, eating in and saving money is the practical choice, but budgeting for groceries and finding time to cook can be difficult. Here are 5 easy and budget-friendly meals (which include ready-to-eat grocery store purchases) to get you through […]